Key aspects of the converged accounting standards
New standard takes principle-based approach to revenue recognition issue A firm should recognize revenue when it has transferred a good or service to a customer …
New standard takes principle-based approach to revenue recognition issue A firm should recognize revenue when it has transferred a good or service to a customer …
Revenue is usually recognized at delivery, but sometime before the delivery or after delivery Long-term contracts (15) Percentage-of-completion method (16) when outcome of contract can …
Revenue is recognized When warned and expenses are recognized Not coincide with receipt or payment of cash According to IASB, revenue is recognized from sales …
Single-step statement (10): all revenues are grouped together, all expenses are grouped together Multi -step statement (11) Include gross profit Multi-step income statement Gross profit …
Revenues (1): amounts reported from sales of goods and services in the normal course of business Net revenue (2): Revenue less adjustment for returns and …
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